
Calabria Exchange

Italian Ancestors Genealogy Project

Create a Link to Calabria Exchange

There are several ways to create a link to the Calabria Exchange. Below are some options using html code:

Create a Simple Text Link

To create a text only link copy and paste the following code and place it where you would like to place the link:
<a href=""> Calabria Exchange: Italian Ancestors Genealogy Project</a>
The link will look like this:

Calabria Exchange: Italian Ancestors Genealogy Project

Linking With Logos or Graphics

To link with one of our logos use one of the following codes following codes - please remember to download a copy of the image to your server and link the image from there.

Black & White Logo:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Calabria Exchange Logo" height="48" width="144" /></a>

and you will see this:

Calabria Exchange Logo

Color Logo:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Calabria Exchange Logo" height="48" width="144" /></a>

and you will see this:

Calabria Exchange Logo

Antonimina | Ardore | Armo | Bianco | Bianco Nuovo | Bombile | Brancaleone | Calanna | Cardeto | Cataforio | Caulonia | Cittanova | Gerace | Gioiosa Ionica | Grotteria | Locri | Mammola | Martone | Portigliola | Roccaforte | Roccella Ionica | San Giovanni di Gerace | Sant'Ilario dello Ionio | Sant' Elia Fiumerapido | Siderno